- Written by Sarah Mantell
- Directed by Jessica Kubzansky
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Do you really know the characters from The Merchant of Venice? What if Shakespeare got it all wrong?
Whether you love Shakespeare or detest Shylock, this story lives between The Merchant of Venice and the realities of Jewish history. Jessica and Lorenzo are in love, but to be together they must plan an escape from her father’s house, the Venetian ghetto, and her entire culture. EVERYTHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED is about disguise, romantic intrigue, and the terrible price we must sometimes pay to be free.
Everything That Never Happened premiered at Boston Court Pasadena in 2018. Jessica Kubzansky, Artistic Director
Everything That Never Happened was developed as part of The Playwrights Realm’s Writing Fellowship (Katherine Kovner, Founding Artistic Director | Roberta Pereira, Producing Director)
What is a Preview?
Previews are an essential part of the theater-making process that allow directors and playwrights to see their plays with audiences for the first time and identify areas for adjustment. These special performances allow you to get a first look at the play and be a part of each shows’ creative journey before it opens officially.