VIRTUAL  LIBRARY: Re-launching soon!

The Virtual Library (formerly Virtual Student Matinee Library) is an online repository of filmed versions of some of Baltimore Center Stage’s programs and plays with corresponding program material, such as curricula and program guides, to prompt questioning and classroom discussion available to K-12 teachers. This was an incredible opportunity that came into being during Covid-19. BCS has had the pleasure of welcoming thousands of students to its in-person matinees. The Student Matinee program has helped to deepen the theater’s relationship with Maryland schools, youth, and educators. 

Please follow the prompts to register for your membership and gain access to videos, curriculum and program material for our Mainstage Series plays and community programming. Your membership will be good for one year, at which time, you’ll receive an expiration notification along with the option for renewal.

Be sure to make note of your login information.


Made Possible By



Baltimore Gas and Electric

The Warnock Foundation

The Lois and Philip Macht Family Philanthropic Fund